Big Responsibilities: Three Reasons To Get Your Teen A Small SUV

Once your teenager has passed the test for their license, it's likely that they will immediately begin to ask for a car. As a parent, trusting your teen with a car will be one of the largest responsibilities that you grant them. You want to know that they will drive safely and that the car itself operates in a safe manner. Getting your child a sedan is a common way to go, but it can prove more fruitful to get your teenager an SUV. For parents looking for a safe car, here are three reasons to go ahead and get your teenager a small SUV. 

The back is easier to clean out

Since your teen will now be tasked with taking themselves to and from school and activities. This means that the backseat and the trunk of the SUV can get quite messy with school papers, sports equipment, and food wrappers. On the weekend, you and your child can pop the trunk and clear out the car during a one hour or less cleaning session. This will keep their small SUV in good working order and make sure that it does not become overloaded with trash. 

They sit up higher so seeing is easier

Small cars can end up with a higher rollover rating than SUVs. With a less experienced teen as a driver, you want to give them every safety advantage that they can have on the road. Since SUV cars sit up higher than regular sedans or two-seat vehicles, your teen will have a better view of the road while in their small SUV. Having a better view of the road helps to make lane changes safer and will allow your teen to back in and out of parking spaces with a clearer view. 

They must be more careful with the gas mileage

Small SUVs tend to get more gas mileage than large SUVs, but they are still heavier on gas than sedans. If your teenager is responsible for purchasing their own gas, they will learn to be more careful with gas mileage while driving their SUV. At the time of purchase, fill up the vehicle so that the gas tank is full as a gift. Have your teen figure out how many miles exactly a full tank will last them. Once they have this information, they can work out a weekly or biweekly gas budget that will allow them to get everywhere they need without running low on gas. 

When you are ready to buy a small SUV for your teenager, visit a used car dealership like a pre-owned Kia dealer.
